Digiitals Blogger
Just blabbing

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Thursday, August 21, 2003

Wireless rivals to jointly develop Wi-Fi standard

Toronto Star

logged by Digiital( ) at Thursday, August 21, 2003

Friday, August 15, 2003


Atleast it is in my area. I'm located just north west of Toronto. Power kicked back in at 5 am this morning, but have been warned to expect rolling poweroutages.
I guess I was luck in that I only work 15min from home and I was on the road when the power went out and had a headstart on the road compared to others so the drive wasn't all that bad going home.

More details to come later.

logged by Digiital( ) at Friday, August 15, 2003

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Copycat Version Of MSBlast Worm Already On The Loose

As I expected, new flavours of MBLAST are starting to be released: InternetWeek

logged by Digiital( ) at Thursday, August 14, 2003

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

With this worm on the loose there are allot of smart people out there reverse engineering this thing to figure out how it works. I've heard that the source code is out on the net for this worm so it's a matter of time before someone changes enough of the worms signature and set it on the net to run ramped once again on the net without having the AntiVirus clients detect it for a little while. And rest assured that if a new strain of the worm hits the net, it's not going to be as easy going as this version, get ready for a distrutive payload.

Hard at Work

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Hopefully everyone that visits this site running NT/2000 or XP have patched your machines.
The RPC DCOM WORM (MSBLASTER) is spreading over the net like wildfire. 90% of the people visiting this blog are running those OS's that are at high risk of being infected. This is NOT a virus, it crawls the internet looking for that one machine that hasn't been patched. Don't assume your AntiVirus will stop it before it's installed. Speaking of AntiVirus, make sure you have the latest signature files as well. Most AV programs have a option to force a UPDATE of the signature file. Most AV companies have already added the right signatures to go in a remove the worm file.

logged by Digiital( ) at Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Monday, August 11, 2003

Hackers own all Wi-Fi hotspot data

Say it isn't so! Article

logged by Digiital( ) at Monday, August 11, 2003

So one of the hosts from The Screen Savers Kevin Rose has decided to but on a new show, not on TechTv but on his own. Check out the first Episode #1, deals with Wardriving and how to get free pizza.

logged by Digiital( ) at Monday, August 11, 2003

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

YA!! I finally got the archive links to work once agian!! So enjoy the past blogs.

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Busy day on the blog! ....

I decided to do the Netstumbler run on the way home tonight instead of Thursday morning.

The RESULTS for Netstumbler aren't as detailed as Kismet, but it should give you a general idea. The total AP's found with Netstumbler was 39, compared to 73 with Kismet. The route taken in the morning and the afternoon were identical.

As you can see Kismet, does an excellent job at 'listening'

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Busy day on the blog!

I decided to do the Netstumbler run on the way home tonight instead of Thursday morning.

The RESULTS for Netstumbler aren't as detailed as Kismet, but it should give you a general idea. The total AP's found with Netstumbler was 39, compared to 73 with Kismet. The route taken in the morning and the afternoon were identical.

As you can see Kismet, does an excellent job at 'listening'

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

In todays news: Financial Post there is a story about WarDriving in the Toronto area.

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Now this is a good idea. We have 411 for our wired phones, and now we have Wifi-411

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

And the results are in, well at least the Kismet results. I'm a day behind schedule. This morning on the drive to work I ran Kismet and found a grand total of about 73 AP's in a 15 min. drive. I believe this number could be a little higher had Kismet been able to scan more then 1-2 channels ever second. Unlike Netstumbler where it seems that it can scan about 5 or more channels per second. Why does this matter? Driving down a clear road with no traffic you can clear ALOT of ground in 10 seconds doing 60-70km/h, so there is a good chance it may have missed a few AP's. Not a biggie. I'll post the results of Netstumbler Thursday morning.

Here they are, the RESULTS

logged by Digiital( ) at Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Friday, August 01, 2003

YAHOO, no not Yahoo, Kismet released a few days back version 3, while at work I compiled the new version on my laptop and ran a few tests and no crashing or hanging! So onto the road test on my way to the weekly sailing race and the thing worked flawlessly! For the first time, at least for me. What does this mean, I'll get to FINALLY be able to do the comparisons between Kismet and Netstumbler next week, results should be posted on Wednesday(Monday is a holiday here in Ontario, but I never had holidays :), I was just planning to do the test on the route to work).

Since I am talking about Linux, how about this little application called Driftnet, this version will work over a ethernet connection, if you want the 'hacked' version to work over wireless then grab it at: Driftnet-Wireless. basically what this application does is listen to the network connection and grabs all picture files(ie: jpg, gif....)that are flying by, and it's ALSO able to capture streaming media as well.
Since what I really care right now is the wireless side of Driftnet that's what I'll focus on right now.

I run a Orinoco based card(Dell Truemobile 1150) all I have to do to get it going is a simple:

# iwpriv eth0 monitor 2 x (x being the channel you want to monitor, of course change eth0 to your needs)

That it! Sit back and enjoy the pictures fly by, in a high traffic area you might be surprise and what sites people are visiting!
This will not work with Kismet running at the same time, sorry. So find a channel with some traffic on it, and then listen to only that channel.

logged by Digiital( ) at Friday, August 01, 2003